As an integral component in graduate student education and training, it is anticipated that graduate students and their mentors will seek extramural pre-doctoral grants to support graduate research and training whenever possible. Please review the information below and consult InSite for more specific information and program-related forms.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) encourages students and their mentors to seek and obtain extramural funding resources to support graduate student research and scholarly activities. Development of research grant proposals for graduate student support is an excellent mechanism for graduate student training. Additionally, research productivity is enhanced if such applications are successful in securing extramural support. To address these goals, the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has established and implemented an incentive program to enhance graduate student training and increase the number of graduate students supported by extramural resources.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will provide monetary incentive for graduate students to submit applications to extramural funding agencies for individual fellowships. Graduate students will receive a one-time award upon proof of submission of a fellowship application. This award will be provided only for first-time submissions of applications. Financial incentives will also be provided to mentors of graduate students who successfully obtain an externally funded fellowship. It is the intent of the Graduate Student Extramural Grant Incentive Program to sustain the mentor incentive amount for the duration of the externally funded graduate student stipend. Mentor incentive funds are also subject to availability of funds in any year and are not necessarily guaranteed from year to year. SEGIP is funded by general operating funds of ľ¹ÏÖ±²¥ and is not funded through federal research funds.