Find A Roommate

Looking to share an apartment with a roommate? We offer the option to request a 2 bedroom apartment with an assigned roommate at both North On Campus and South Campus (Woodlands), and will match you with another student who most closely matches your roommate preferences. You may also find your own roommate and list them on your application. The Housing Forum is a great place to look for the right roommate match.

Your Rosalind Franklin GroupMe will be another venue for students to match with a roommate. The class of each academic program has a GroupMe and is another resource for matching with a roommate. Please contact the Office of Admissions if you have not been invited to the GroupMe for your graduating class.

The complete list of the benefits of having a roommate is much too long to list in its entirety, but a small sample of some of the major advantages include:

  • Sharing the cost of utilities, cable TV, cleaning supplies, groceries, home furnishings and decor, house hold staples, take out and delivery charges, subscriptions, renters insurance, and entertainment. The can really show you the financial benefit of a roommate. 
  • The standard amount of Financial Aid disbursed for Housing Expenses is actually based on sharing a two bedroom apartment with a roommate.  
  • Carpooling
  • Reduce food waste
  • Increased security
  • Letting you in if you locked your self out
  • Help you study
  • Help in the event of a medical or other emergency
  • Share recipes
  • Learn new ways to do old things
  • Expand your social circle
  • Back-up alarm clock (never miss an exam again)
  • Get advice from a completely objective third party
  • Venting can relieve frustrations
  • An exercise partner
  • Help identifying mysterious sounds or odors
  • Free fashion tips
  • Someone to perform the Heimlich Maneuver
  • Celebrate good news together
  • Someone to water your plants when you leave for the weekend
  • They can keep you in the loop
  • Help with doing the dishes and other house hold chores
  • Combine your skills to achieve something great
  • This list is not exhaustive, but it covers a few of the basics