issue Fall 2020

Editor's Note

By Dan Moran

History tells us that George Washington died following a bout of epiglottitis complicated by phlebotomy. Two centuries later, antibiotics have been developed to treat swollen throat cartilage, and “bloodletting” intended to leach out disease has been cast into a medical dustbin that includes swallowing mercury to combat syphilis.

Advances that are unlocked by the naturally inquisitive and progressive nature of medicine and science should be a lesson to everyone: Any accepted practice — good, bad and otherwise — can benefit from a fresh look.

ľ¹ÏÖ±²¥ has always taken pride in Helix, the thrice-yearly magazine that tells the tales from within and outside the campus community. We are just as proud to roll out the first volume of a redesigned Helix, featuring enhancements that will immerse readers more strongly in the experiences of RFU students, faculty, staff, alumni and donors.

Our pages will bring you into the reality of a College of Pharmacy student as his education presses onward during a pandemic. They will take you to Chicago’s South Side to visit a COP alumnus serving the community out of a mobile unit — after the pharmacy where he works was looted. You’ll read the first-person accounts of bilingual students stepping up to keep the Latino community connected to health care amid COVID shutdowns.

These stories and more are illustrated not just through the writing talents of RFU’s marketing and communications team — including new collaborators from throughout the university and the Chicago region — but also through peerless photography that brings captured moments to life. We hope you enjoy recounting this chapter of RFU’s history as much as we enjoyed documenting it.

Dan Moran is the communications director in RFU’s Division of Marketing and Brand Management.

Please note, any group photo that does not feature physical distancing or mask wearing was taken prior to the State of Illinois issuing such guidelines. RFU has policies in place that require these and many other safety measures.
